"Think as a forest, act as a leaf"
"Uncertainty and invisibility have powerful potentialities of being"
> sabinasimon2@gmail.com
> IG: aderivalab
> linktree
Researcher connecting art and science, Sabina Simon (Barcelona, 1980) lives and works between Barcelona and Rio de Janeiro. Uncertainty and invisibility have been two voices along her process and today, the future of the planet, water and biodiversity guides her approach. MA in Contemporary Studies of Arts by the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2020-22), she integrates the research group 'Ynterfluxes, influenced by decolonial perspectives. Her intuitive creative process crosses lines between erratic writings and drawings, site-specific projects, video and installation. For 2024 she is creating AderivaLab, an experimental bioart residence in Brazil, promoting seminars and collaborative site-specific artworks on landscape, with the aim to sensitize society with the urgency of review the relation with the environment.
Count on exhibitions and conferences at Nature – Arts Interconnection (University of Timisoara, Romania, 2022), Bienal de Arte y Ciencia (Concepción, Chile, 2022), Paço Imperial (Rio de Janeiro, 2022), SESC (São Paulo, 2022), Amalgama (London, 2021), Fundació Miró (Barcelona, 2015), Bienal de Cerveira (Portugal, 2013) and Kuntshalle (Vienna, 2012), among others.
Collective exhibitions
2023 Manifesto Fitoplancton. Zona Costera, Pinacoteca, Concepción, Chile
2022 Manifesto Fitoplâncton. Transfluências, Paço Imperial
Manifesto Fitoplâncton, Zona Costera, Bienal de Arte y Ciencia, Concepción, Chile
2021 Artist book, A Zero program from Editorial Medusa, Alfaiataria exhibition, Curitiba
Sur-Sudeste. Impressions of an extraterrestrial entity on Earth, Amalgama, London
2015 Prost, Fundació Joan Miró, Barcelona
2013 O Coração sob a terra, Recorreguts sonors, Convent de Sant Agustí, Barcelona
Face and Performing Face, 17th Biennal of Cerveira, Portugal
2012 Prost, Kuntshalle, Museumsquartier, Viena
Solo exhibitions
2014 O Coração sob a terra, Fundación Casa Pintada-The Gabarron Museum, Murcia
2013 Claridade. New York, Convent de Sant Agustí, Barcelona
2009 Claridade, Culturalarte Gallery, New York
Don´t look at them, Culturarte Gallery, New York
Grants, residencies, conferences and collaborations
2022 Nature – Arts Interconection Conference, Faculty Arts and Design, University of Timisoara, Romania Colaboraboration with the Institut Ciències del Mar de Barcelona (ICM) e Chroniques du Plancton for the project Phytoplankton Manifesto
Institut Ramon Llull travel grant for Phytoplankton Manifesto
2014 Working group, Procastinar. Cos, acció i afecte, Aimar Pérez Galí, Barcelona
2010, 2012 Research and creation Grants and for Claridade, Dejuni Imaginari and O Coração sob a terra, Government of Catalonia
Claridade, collective performance, Museo de Arte Moderna de Brasilia square in collaboration with the Universidade de Brasilia
Artist-in-Residence, Claridade, Dejuni Imaginari, mARTadero, Cochabamba, Bolivia
2020-22 MA in Contemporary Studies of Arts, Art and Social Comunication Institute (IACs) at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFF)
2010 Dynamic Encounters workshops, EAV, Parque Lage, Rio de Janeiro
2009 Contemporary photography seminars, A critic view, B/W and Color Manual Lab Printing, International Center of Photography, B/W photography lab, MV Photo Gallery Lab, NY
2007-09 Art Photography, Escola d'Art Serra i Abella, Barcelona
2004-07 Art and design, Escola Elisava, Barcelona